How to Stick to a Workout Routine

How to Stick to a Workout Routine

Benjamin Franklin once wisely stated, “Prevention is better than cure.” This holds particularly true when it concerns leading a healthy lifestyle. Establishing a regular workout routine is essential for promoting both physical and mental well-being. However, one of the most challenging aspects can be maintaining consistency once you embark on this journey. Use the following suggestions to cultivate sustainable exercise habits.  

Set Realistic Goals

When embarking on a new workout program, it’s important to avoid being overly ambitious. It can be tempting to jump right in and commit to exercising for an hour, five days a week. However, this approach increases the risk of injury, burnout, and ultimately giving up on your routine.

It’s crucial to be realistic about what you can realistically fit into your current lifestyle. Prioritize consistency over intensity when establishing habits. Begin by working out for 20-30 minutes, 2-3 times per week. Gradually increase the duration, frequency, and intensity of your sessions as your fitness level improves over the course of several weeks or months.

Establishing precise and measurable goals can aid in maintaining focus. Instead of vague aspirations such as “getting in shape,” strive for specific objectives like “running continuously for 30 minutes” or “losing 10 pounds.” Employ a smartwatch or fitness tracker to monitor your progress towards these goals. Monitoring your progress over time instills a sense of achievement and serves as motivation to continue pushing yourself.

Track Your Progress

Investing in a smartwatch, fitness tracker, or workout log app can assist in monitoring progress over time. By recording details such as distance covered, weights lifted, and heart rate statistics, you can have tangible evidence that your hard work is yielding results. Instead of focusing on daily fluctuations, review your workout data on a weekly or monthly basis. Witnessing improvements like shaving off 30 seconds from your mile time with the help of an online stopwatch or increasing max pushups by 5 reps since January can be highly motivating. Tracking your progress can help identify weaknesses and plateaus, allowing for targeted improvements.

Incorporate physical process tracking into your workout routine. Begin each session by establishing a specific metric goal for the day, such as distance or time. Afterward, document your results. This approach allows you to create a detailed fitness log, replacing vague recollections of your activities. Whenever you need a boost on challenging days, refer back to your data. Remember, the numbers provide objective evidence even when your motivation may fluctuate.

Schedule Workouts

Creating dedicated time slots for workouts in your daily or weekly schedule is crucial for maintaining long-term consistency. Treat these exercise sessions as you would recurring work meetings or appointments. Add workout blocks to your calendar app and set reminders on your phone. By incorporating specific days and times into your regular routine, it becomes easier to follow through.

When selecting exercise times, choose periods when you have the highest energy levels and are least likely to encounter scheduling conflicts. Take note of your personal energy patterns throughout the day. Many individuals struggle with late-night workouts due to diminished willpower. By scheduling workouts in the morning, you ensure they won’t be neglected later. Plan in advance for vacations, busy work seasons, holidays, and other potential disruptions to your regular routine. Find ways to adapt or schedule around these events to maintain your momentum without interruption.

Two mature woman stretching their legs

Overcome Obstacles

Transitioning from a sedentary lifestyle or irregular exercise routine to a disciplined workout regimen multiple times a week poses challenges, both physically and mentally. Anticipate that not every day will be flawless. Adversities such as inclement weather, unforeseen circumstances disrupting schedules, travel, stress, lack of motivation, or fatigue are bound to occur. Be prepared with alternative plans and coping strategies to prevent these common obstacles from completely undermining your routine.

To stay motivated and accountable, invite friends or family to join you on your fitness journey. Having a dedicated workout partner makes it less likely to skip sessions. Consider joining a running club, boot camp workout class, or team sports league to foster a sense of camaraderie. If inclement weather disrupts your plans for a 4-mile run, adapt by going to the gym instead. Keep spare workout clothes and shoes in your car or office to seize opportunities for impromptu sessions. When travel or unusual schedules threaten consistency, modify workouts by performing bodyweight exercises in your hotel room or living room for 30 minutes if a full gym session is not feasible.

The mental battle against excuses and procrastination is just as crucial. When you lack motivation, focus on the amazing feeling you experience AFTER completing a challenging workout. That post-workout euphoria is a significant mood enhancer. Acknowledge and anticipate that the initial 5-10 minutes of any exercise session may feel arduous when your body is stiff and cold. Simply commit to pushing through the first phase until you start to loosen up and gain momentum. As you develop long-term habits, the apprehension before exercising often transforms into a desire for activity.

Reward Yourself 

Use milestones and incentives throughout your fitness journey to reinforce long-term dedication to your workout routine. Once you complete your initial month of consistently following the regimen 3-4 days per week, reward yourself with something special, such as a relaxing massage, a delightful dinner out, or tickets to a sports event or show. Treat yourself to a coveted piece of athletic gear once you achieve a significant fitness milestone, like running 5 miles without walking breaks or successfully losing the 10 pounds you aimed to shed when embarking on your fitness journey.

Incorporating periodic rewards that genuinely enrich healthy behaviors is the optimal approach to bolster your goals. Select experiences that align with your newfound active lifestyle to maximize their impact. For instance, you could plan a thrilling rock climbing adventure, explore a national park through hiking, or embark on a kayaking tour amidst breathtaking scenery. At the very least, celebrate your dedication to better health by sharing your journey and milestones with supportive friends and family who will offer positive encouragement.


Embracing a consistent exercise regimen brings lifelong benefits for both physical and mental well-being. However, transitioning from a sedentary to an active lifestyle can be mentally and physically demanding. To ensure long-term success, it is important to start with achievable and realistic goals, gradually increasing the frequency, duration, and intensity of workouts. Keeping track of detailed progress measurements is crucial. Make exercise appointments in your calendar to make them a part of your routine. Find workout partners to stay motivated and hold each other accountable during challenging times. Seek out fulfilling experiences that reignite your commitment. Stay committed to the process, even through setbacks, and before you know it, you will have established life-changing exercise habits.