How to Use Dumbbells

woman is holding black neoprene dumbbell

A set of dumbbells is an essential part of a home gym. A bunch of these bars could replace bulky exercise machines. But still, they provide an efficient workout for the full body. Dumbbells are loved for their versatility and a space-saving feature. Besides, it’s a budget-saving option.

Dumbbells come in various types, weights, and colors. You can choose classy weights to hit your home gym interior design. All of them are beneficial for losing weight and gaining muscles.

What Is a Dumbbell?

A dumbbell is a little handle with two weights on its edges. Dumbbells are commonly made from steel, iron, neoprene, or plastic. There are dumbbell exercises involving either one bar or two bars.

The weights can be adjustable or fixed. Adjustable dumbbells come with a range of weights to add a resistance level. Such gear is more expensive so you’re likely to see a set of fixed dumbbells in a sports center. Their weights attached are not replaceable.

Dumbbells are great for a budget home gym. The average price is around $20-$40 per pair of dumbbells. While a set of dumbbells is worth $100-$200. Adjustable dumbbells cost anywhere from $100 to $500 per set.

man is holding adjustable dumbbells to curl

Dumbbell Workout: Health Benefits

A set of dumbbells are favorites of many sportsmen, both rookie and professional. And here’s why. If you know how to use dumbbells properly, you may gain such superb health benefits:

  • increasing metabolic system;
  • burning calories;
  • improving bone density;
  • activating muscle groups all over the body;
  • providing muscle building;
  • promoting body flexibility;
  • improving balance and coordination;
  • strength training.

In short, dumbbell exercises lead to muscle strengthening and improving cardiovascular health. Additionally, such equipment provides a wide array of workouts. This will add variety to your training routine.

adjustable dumbbell close view

Using Dumbbells to the Best Advantage

A beginner user may be wondering what to do with the dumbbells. Unlike kettlebells, this gear provides greater motion. These are excellent free weights to amp up your muscles. The items are easy to seize and maintain.

To start exercising, just hold a dumbbell in each hand. Or use one piece per exercise if needed. Grab the bar between the weights and perform the required moves. These can be pressing, curling, extending, and many others.

Dumbbells are a go-to piece of equipment with a wide range of use. Let’s check what exercises you can do with such equipment. We made up a list of dumbbell workouts suitable for beginner and advanced users.

Best Dumbbell Exercises for Beginners

Woman is doing Bicep Curl at home

1. Bicep Curl

Hold a dumbbell in each hand with the palms facing out. Your legs are straight and your feet are shoulder-width apart. That’s your starting point.

Curl the hand weights upwards toward your chest. Then return to the starting position. Check your elbows while performing the bicep curls. Keep your elbows stuck to your torso. Squeeze your core as well. Repeat 10-12 times per set.

The same exercise is easily performed with resistance bands.

man is doing Lateral Raise at home

2. Lateral Raise

Another excellent upper body dumbbell workout. Hold a dumbbell in each hand positioned on the sides of the thighs. Squeeze your core and keep your back straight.

Raise the weights up to the sides. Your upper arms are parallel to the ground. The elbows are bent slightly. Get back to the starting position slowly. Repeat 10-12 times per set.

woman is doing Tricep Kick Back on bench

3. Tricep Kick-Back

You need one dumbbell for this exercise and a bench. It will tone your upper arm muscles for sure. It’s an isolation exercise, like a bicep curl.

Place one knee on the bench and bend over. Your chest is parallel to the ground. Hold the bench with one hand as a pivot point. While the dumbbell is in another hand. The elbow is bent creating a 90-degree angle. That’s your start position.

Start straightening your arm with the dumbbell backward. Watch your upper arms are fixed. Use your triceps to lift the weight. Get your arm to the starting position. Do 10-12 reps. Then switch sides. Do another 10-12 reps per set.

woman is doing Shoulder Press at home

4. Shoulder Press

There are two variations – seated and standing shoulder press. It’s up to you what option to choose. Grab the dumbbell weights and lift them up with your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle. The items are by your shoulders. That’s your start position.

Extend your elbows raising the dumbbells upwards. Press the items overhead slowly. Then return to the starting position. Make sure your back isn’t arched too much. Otherwise, you’ll end up using upper chest muscles instead of shoulders.

The shoulder (overhead) press is an excellent dumbbell workout to add some strength. Do 10-12 reps per set.

woman is doing Bench Press at gym

5. Bench Press

You need a bench and a pair of dumbbells to perform such an exercise. The bench press is highly efficient even with minimum weight. It works out chest and shoulders greatly. That’s an efficient exercise before starting lifting heavy barbells.

Lie on a bench with your face up. Your feet are flat on the floor. Hold a weight on each hand above your chest. The dumbbells are parallel to the chest. The elbows are bent with palms facing out.

Press the weights upwards keeping your arms straight. Make a pause for a second. Slowly lower the dumbbells to the starting point. Do 10-12 reps per set.

man and woman are doing Lunges

6. Lunges

Use dumbbells to tone your lower body. Get two dumbbells and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the weights by the sides of the thighs. That’s your start position.

Lower your body and get on one knee creating a 90-degree angle. Squeeze your core and keep your back straight. The weights are still by the sides. Make a pause for a second. Get back to the standing position. Repeat 10-12 times per set. Then switch legs. Do another 10-12 reps. Or you can alternate the legs every time.

Lifting a heavy barbell to work out your legs may seem challenging. Thus, dumbbells can be a great starting equipment. It will help you to build strength and burn lots of calories.

Best Dumbbell Exercises for Intermediate Athletes

woman is doing standing Bent Over Rows

7. Bent-Over Rows

Your feet are shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees and lower your back. There’s a straight line from the neck to the lower back. Hold the dumbbells keeping your arms straight with palms facing in. That’s your starting position.

Lower the dumbbells bending the elbows faced up. The weights are close to the chest. Squeeze your core and the shoulder blades while performing. Hold the position for a second. Return to the start point. Do 6-10 reps per set.

Bent-over row exercises are great to develop your upper back muscles.

man is doing Chest Fly with dumbbells

8. Chest Fly

Get a bench and two dumbbells to do the flyes. Lie on the bench with your face up and hands apart. The weights are on the sides with palms facing out. The elbows are slightly bent.

Raise the dumbbells above your chest with palms facing each other. Keep your elbows bent while exercising. Bring the dumbbells back to the starting position. Do 10-12 reps per set.

The flyes are an effective chest isolation exercise. They promote training with no triceps and shoulders involved. Keep your back slightly arched to keep the tension.

woman is doing Front Squat with dumbbells

9. Front Squat

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. The dumbbells are at shoulder height parallel to each other. The elbows are bent. That’s your starting position.

Get down to the squat position until the thighs are parallel to the floor. The feet are on the floor. Don’t lean your knees over the toes. Get back to the standing position. Repeat 6-10 times per set.

Holding dumbbells by the shoulders promotes core strengthening. Placing the weights in front of you brings more workload on your quads.

man is doing Hammer Press with heavy weights

10. Hammer Press

The exercise is similar to the bench press. The hammer press is more joint-friendly.

Lie on a bench with your face up. Raise the gear with your elbows bent. The weights are parallel to each other. Press the dumbbells upward above your chest with your arms extended. There’s a straight line from the palms to the shoulders. Lower the bars to the starting point. Do 10-12 reps per set.

man is doing Front Raise with dumbbells

11. Front Raise

That’s an essential dumbbell exercise to workout your shoulders. Light weights are enough to fire up the muscles. You can lift two dumbbells simultaneously or one item at a time.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Get two weights and place the arms by the sides.

Hold the dumbbells in front of your chest at shoulder height. The weights are parallel to the floor creating a straight line together. Keep your arms together and your back straight. Squeeze your abs while performing. Hold on for a second. Slowly lower the weights back. Do 6-10 reps per set.

woman is doing Glute Bridge with dumbbell and band

12. Glute Bridge

If you know how to perform the glute bridge on a stability ball, you’ll get the hang of this exercise too. Level up the bride by adding some weights. You can perform a regular glute bridge or with a single leg lifted. We prefer the last option to add more power.

Get down on the mat with your face up. Your knees are bent and your feet are on the mat. Hold a dumbbell in your right hand. Raise your right foot off the ground and extend your arm. The dumbbell is above you. Lift your hips up and perform the glute bridge. Squeeze your core and glutes while doing it. Repeat 6-10 times. Then switch sides. Do another 6-10 reps.

Best Dumbbell Exercises for Advanced

man is doing Chest Pull Over on bench

13. Chest Pull-Over

You need a bench and a dumbbell to perform the chest pull-over. Lie on the bench with your face up. Hold a dumbbell with both hands behind you. It’s recommended to grab just under the weight for a comfy grip. Your elbows and knees are bent. That’s your starting position.

Slowly raise the dumbbell above you with your arms extended but not locked. Lower the weight behind your head. Feel how the chest is stretching. Get back to the starting position. Do 6-10 reps per set.

man is doing T Press Up with dumbbells

14. T Press-Up

Let’s get a little stretch with such a dumbbell exercise. The press-up is improved with a twisting motion. It warms up your abs and trains balance.

Grab a pair of dumbbells and a mat for them if needed. Use hexagonal weights if possible as they’ll provide a solid base. Get down on the floor to the press-up position. The arms are extended shoulder-width apart. Keep the weight on the arms with the dumbbells.

Your feet are extended shoulder-width apart. Do the press-up and once you raise your body, lift one hand off the ground. Rotate the torso so the arm is extended facing the ceiling. Make a pause for a second. Then bring the dumbbell back down to the floor. Do 6-10 reps. Then switch hands. Do another 6-10 reps.

man is doing Renegade Row with dumbbells

15. Renegade Row

Another fascinating dumbbell exercises to challenge your core. Place one dumbbell in both hands. Get to the plank position. There’s a straight line from your neck to the lower back. Your arms are extended with palms facing the floor. Hexagonal weights are ideal for the renegade row. But the usual round ones are fine. Place a mat under the items to provide a better grip. Your feet are spread widely for a solid base.

The arms are under your shoulders. Squeeze your core while performing the exercise. Raise one arm so the dumbbell is by your chest with the elbow facing up. Slowly lower your body and return to the start point. Do 6-10 reps. Then switch hands. Do another 6-10 reps.

man is doing Dumbbell Snatch with dumbbell

16. Dumbbell Snatch

This exercise is advantageous for the full body. Start with a light weight and add the weight gradually. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold one dumbbell in your hand. Another arm can be placed behind the back slightly bent.

Squat until the weight touches the floor between the feet. Then drive your hips to stand up. Swing the dumbbell upwards with your arm extended facing the ceiling. When the gear is at chest level, start twisting your wrist till your arm is straight. So you end up standing with one arm lifted upwards.

Squat until the weight touches the floor between the feet. Then drive your hips to stand up. Swing the dumbbell upwards with your arm extended facing the ceiling. When the gear is at chest level, start twisting your wrist till your arm is straight. So you end up standing with one arm lifted upwards.

woman is doing Thruster with dumbbells

17. Thruster

The thruster engages a lot of muscles, which is a plus. That’s a great start before switching to the barbell thruster. Stand with your toes pointing outwards. Hold the dumbbells at shoulder height. The palms are facing in. That’s your starting position.

Get down to the squat position with the weights by your shoulders. Then stand up thrusting the gear above the head. Your arms are extended facing the ceiling. Make sure the squat smoothly turns into the thrust. Don’t confuse it with the shoulder press.

man is doing Split Squat with dumbbells

18. Split Squat

Stand up and get the dumbbells placing them by your sides. Squeeze your core and keep your back straight. Lower one leg till the knee is bent at a 90-degree angle. Then push the leg back to the start point. Crave a more challenging exercise? Place one foot on a bench and squat.

Performing squats with dumbbells is a new level. They bring more power as well as balance. You’ll feel your glutes are on fire while exercising. Push your heels up when standing up to activate proper muscles.

dumbbells are stored in rack

Dumbbell Exercises Revealed

A set of dumbbells is one of the most popular home gym equipment. The gear is budget-friendly and it takes little space. Such a piece of equipment could replace a tone of exercise machines on the like of a treadmill or a stair stepper.

The dumbbells provide a range of motion to target various muscle groups. That’s why they can be as efficient as barbells and kettlebells. That’s tremendous fat-loss equipment to get a proper form.

Thus, consider these weights while building a home gym. Choose between fixed or adjustable dumbbells. Both options are suitable for people of all fitness levels. Dumbbell workouts are supreme for full-body training. Check this guide that reveals how to use dumbbells. We compiled a list of the best dumbbell exercises to fire up your muscles.

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